A Trademark offers legal protection for a word, symbol, phrase, logo, design, or combination of those that represents a source of goods or services. Types of trademarks for products include five main categories: generic mark, descriptive mark, suggestive mark, fanciful, and arbitrary mark. A trademark is an identifiable badge, expression or image that indicates a particular item or benefit and lawfully separates it from every other item. A trademark serves to exclusively distinguish an item or service with a particular organization and is an acknowledgement of that organization’s responsibility for the mark. Trademarked items are by and large considered a type of property. One of the principle reasons for having an item trademarked is to shield the item from being utilized without the consent of the source organization. Trademarks, for example, Coca Cola, HP, Canon, Nike and Adidas fill in as a sign of origin of the products and also a sign of quality.